Sunday, December 10, 2023

UBS is the bagholder (LOL) for GME naked Shorts - UPDATE 2 - The Jackpot is hidden on the Bitcoin and other cryptos. - Banks are on a BIG trouble, ETFs are back on the menu!

Hello again apes,

First of all this is not finantial advice, and with the latest news of RC & GME that are going to be able to invest in stocks, im going to leave this here, fucking hilarious:

Now, let me clarify one thing, this DD is entirely done due to the information, rules ,news, ETF fuckeries, and data that apes have been posting here for years.

Now let me begin:

You probably at this point have read that hedgies or Market makers do tricks in ETFs and so many things to get avalaible GME shares, well... as this DD have been pointing connections or correlations based on news or events like the lateral trading probably due to the swaps and rules of the SEC, or the hot potato being passed at some price point im coming with a new Update that can be curious like the Genesis bakruptcy one (tokenized shares lender) and the purchase of Microstrategy of 600m of bitcoin, just at same price point of GME in 2021, where Microstrategy borrowed 600m to purchase bitcoin also.

Here's where I've got to summon one of the DFV tweets, that means gold for me:

Now the information:

Bittrex was another company that was selling Tokenized GME shares, and went bankrupt on 10/30/2023.

Recently some news were published that given me 3 more dates about this Bitcoin connections, you've got them on the next pic, one of them is still pending:

So we have an ETF for bitcoin of Blackrock, published on DTCC on 10/24/2023 (6 days before Bittrex implosion, this makes me wonder me about ETF settlements, wasn't it 5 days or so? need to look more here).

And Fidelity's Bitcoin ETF on 12/08/2023.

You know who had also ETFs with GME shares on Jan/Feb 2021 of GME right?

Yep, Blackrock was one seen in the part 5 of the DD, but Fidelity also had ETFs with GME, this is pure speculation based on correlations with price, tokenized shares, ADRs, and all the shit that is written on this DD, but maybe this is a sign of another swap and the close of some tokenized shares and FTDs covered related with them. why?

Because just the same day, fidelity ran out of GME shares avalaible to borrow:

credit to: whattothewhonow

And also Interactive brokers:

Also one curious thing is this days of *covering the shadow FTD dates* the Short exempt volume skyrocketed and also the volume:

Due to the FTX tokenized shares, were released on Jan. 27/2021 this may have been an implosion due to the purchase of tokenized shares of Bitrexx to FTX, maybe they have been lending them, but with apes buying shares as fuck, maybe and just maybe, any of these holders or tokenized stocks tried to call the backed shares on that tokens, and simply there were no shares avalaible and Bittrex holdings went to Blackrock and Fidelity as warranty?

Who knows, but lets see this and what happened on GME graph that days:

Another curious thing, but this is only tinfoil activity:

This are things to keep in mind, thanks for reading this, and would love to hear your thoughts, we maybe are in something of this mad saga of neverending tricks.


DRS is the way, Book'em all!

Cheers everyone.

The links to the other parts:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

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