Tuesday, June 8, 2021

My bestmate told me earlier he was going to sell if it hits $500, I told him that he might want to seriously consider reconsidering

First and foremost - I am not being a shilly vanilly or FUD packer here, this is legit what happened to me earlier today and I thought I should share it with you beautiful fucks. It's my first time properly posting something like this, so go easy on me ladies and boys, or at least have the bedside etiquette to spit first...

For context - this is one of my oldest friends. Known him since I was 12. We first set eyes on each other when we were knocking the living shit out of each other in the playground in Year 7. We hated each other, but ended up becoming best of mates. Ahhhhh.... the good old days. Anyway, bromance aside and fast forward 20 years (fuck) and we're still very good mates. We both got into GME together in late Jan when it started booting off, we shared the initial deluded euphoria for a day or two and then KABLAOWWW - we all know what happened next.

He held on for a bit and kept up the good fight for a few days, but then at some point in Feb, he suddenly turned into a soggy toilet-paper-handed bitch boy and sold his shares AT A LOSS, but kept a small few "for the off chance that it does moon". He then proceeded to take the upper moral high ground with me for months. Made me feel like an idiot and conspiracy theorist that should "go back to your echo chamber". It was fuckennnnn maddddddddening to say the least. Wouldn't read DD, dismissed what I was telling him, and we got into some heated arguments because of it. We ended up deciding to agree to disagree and not to talk about it for the sake of our friendship.

Skip forward to the last month - we start talking about it again, he brings it up when he looks at the ticker and starts to realise WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK I HAD BEEN FUCKING TALKING ABOUT FOR SHITCUNT MONTHS!!! Phew... Breathe... Ok, so I try and keep calm and spoon-feed him info about what's going on etc etc, and I thought, naively, it was all going well until today - "If it hits $500 I'm going to sell and put it on Salano"


So I, half calmly, half seizure, ask him "you serious?"

He replied that "yeah, $500 still seems like a lot. It's 25x the Jan stock price, and still 2x what I paid 🤷‍♂️ what's the upside in your view then?"

Not that I hadn't told the deaf cunt my stance before, many times, but this time I wanted to be cool and collected and really try and get through to him... seemingly my prior tactics had failed more times than Kenny boy's FTD's.

Well, he asked, so I started typing, and typing, and typing, and typing (maybe it was the micro dose of acid from earlier on) and before I knew it I had written this -

\"Dearest Olde Chum, I trust this finds you well and you do not abhor the words I am about to speaketh\"

"Totally yes, I would definitely agree that is a solid return, in usual circumstances. But this, my beloved Braveheart, is not usual circumstances. This is genuinely a one time set up, that has never happened before to this degree, and due to multiple laws that have been passed in the last few months, will certainly never, ever, ever happen again. The short exposure that faces prime brokers and hedgefunds is staggering (regular shorts, naked shorts and rehypothecated shares).

Shorts must cover, and they haven’t. The head of the DTC stated in a court hearing a few weeks ago that no margin calls happened in January. So that wasn’t a short squeeze. Prime brokers and hedge funds do not close OTM shorts voluntarily, they are only paper losses until you execute them. That was purely the momentum of FOMO piling in, and why people like Robinhood and other platforms blocked buying, not selling.

We will see from the AGM vote count a representation of how many shares are owned (obviously not everyone will vote and I personally can’t vote on my bastard platform), versus how many are supposed to exist. The vote count is expected to be released 4 working days after the AGM, so Tues 15th. If there are votes exceeding 100% of the actual float (I believe there will be hundreds if not thousands of % more) then you must understand the ridiculous severity of the implications. They are FUCKED mate. Double fucking fuckiteeed indeed, and you my pedigree chum, have golden banana shaped tickets to the moon. That is a FACT.

On top of this, a more emotional and revolutionary stance to not paper hand at such a low price, is that this is a big GO FUCK YOURSELVES to the system and grotesque individuals that have been raping and pillaging good businesses (cancer and other medical research companies, tech companies, alongside many, many, honest hard working companies) into the fucking ground for decades. They do this, not because they need the money, or so they can add some value to society. No, they do this so they can buy ANOTHER yacht or mansion or Picasso that they don’t even fucking like, just so they can write it off on taxes and show how his warted-syphilis-dick is so much bigger than the slimey little wanker next to him. It’s utterly immoral and a cancer of society. They have got SO greedy and have corrupted the market SO systemically, that seemingly all it takes is a group of people buying some stock and holding it - JUST. HOLDING. A. STOCK - Not falling for the constant market manipulation and blatant illegal financial malpractice scare tactics, the relentless misinformation attacks. If that’s all it takes to fuck up their twisted game so heavily, is that not just a fucking beautiful thing to be a part of and the right side of history to be on?!

And the amazing thing is, that stunningly simple, distilled, zen-like idea of just holding, is working. Not only that, via the internet, it has brought pools of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of regular individuals together, amongst them some of the wrinkliest incredible brains to do some serious PHD level research and share it for free to the masses. These DD’s have been right about A LOT, proven facts, as well as uncovering some insanely, literally and morally, corrupt ongoings. By doing this it has attracted industry veterans to come and join in, do Q&A's, and advise apes. This is genuinely a revolutionary and historic event that is happening right now and beating Wall St at their own game. And it hasn’t even started yet, trust me. Will this end financial corruption and reform Wall St forever? No, I doubt it, but fuck, it certainly will and already is bringing attention to the massive amounts of corruption going on, making some of those filthy cunts bleed, and some maaaaay even get jailed, mayyyyyybe. 🤞

But lets go to Reasonable Land, where none of the above exists… Let’s look at it from a purely mid-to-long term play, without a squeeze. GameStop has just had the most incredible free global marketing campaign and brought their brand name to the attention of the WORLD. They are transforming from a bricks and mortar company to an E-commerce Goliath at the centre of the gaming industry (you know, that tiny, niche industry). On top of that in the last couple of months they cleared their entire $200M debt (2 years early) and raised half a billion dollars. That completely fucks the shorts game plan. They are revolutionising the old business model by refreshing almost the entire board of directors with ex Google, Facebook, Amazon and Chewy executives, led by a 36 yr old golden boy who turned a dog food company into a multibillion dollar enterprise and the biggest pet food company in the US, taking on and beating Amazon in that specific market, from scratch, in just 6 years. Oh yeah, and the entire board are getting paid solely in equities. Double oh yeah, they are backed by BlackRock and Vanguard amongst others. Triple oh yeah… and they’re making their own Crypto and NFT to be utilised across gaming.

I mean… I could go on mate, there are so many reasons why I would seriously consider reconsidering selling at $500 😂 As Dr Michael Burry said "There really can't be another GameStop, nothing else is/was even close to as shorted (100+% of float), so small (microcap), and so hated/ignored/dismissed prior to the #thebigshortsqueeze."

In short (arf arf) nobody knows what the price could go to when this thing goes BLAOW “short sale losses are potentially infinite”. There’s a reason why this has caused such a huge splash and why it was shut down prematurely in January, this is going HIIIIIIGH BUDDDDYYYY. Besides that - it’s a sick investment regardless.

I thought you were leaving this to YOLO incase of the moonshot anyway?? What is $500 in the grand scheme? Certainly not going to change your life or even improve it significantly, whatsoever. This is our bitcoin or tech boom equivalent, but the kicker is we get to make mad tendies while making a bunch of amoral, sociopathic, cuckhold vampires of society cry salty tears into they’re soon to be ex-mistresses Gucci handbags".


Phew... did that feel good to get off my chest. I didn't even bother getting into $20M floor or the fact we could change the world with our tendies, or give hope and financial freedom to downtrodden generations - I think his tin foil allergies would certainly flair up, he's a sensitive boy like that. Despite all said above, I do love the guy, he's a good dude, and I genuinely want the tendies for all those around me. It's no fun being rich when those around you can't enjoy the spoils of sweet, sweet hedge fund tears too. He has not yet responded, maybe he's considering reconsidering, I'll let you know in the comments as and when!

But fucky doo-dah, did writing that get my wee hairy tiddies jackaroooooonied, I tell thee for free!! Hope it does the same for some of you's gorgeous bastards.

Obligatory - not financial advice, obviously.

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