Friday, December 27, 2019

Bullet Proof (at least part of an autobiography) part 3

Copy write 2019 Kiel CoadyCoady

My acquisition as you’ll recall was of subpar quality. Having established a name for myself already. I felt like I couldn’t in god conscience send such a thing out. With this in mind I went to my local chemical supply store and nabbed some toulene. It was begging to get cold outside during this period of time. This is the greatest environment to do such things in if you don’t have a freezer ect that can be dedicated.
I took my chemicals and and solvent and went outside to my lab (Read small shed outside.) I went about recrystallizing the drugs using the solvent. This lab had a few accidents in the past. Not the least of which a bottle of Hydrochloric acid was on a metal shelf and accidentally got punctured pouring acid all over the place. Was a blast to clean up. After this procedure I took the finished product and put it into vials. I actually ut everything into vials I’m classy like that. I put these in my freezer. They were in sealed vials with teflon tape around the threads action wasn’t going anywhere.
I went to my computer desk and did a bump of stims. I may have forgotten to mention this, but insuffalation (“snorting” if you aren’t familiar with this terminology don’t be sad. The majority of the “college” educated counselors I’ve dealt with have no clue wtf this means either. On a side note they are basically useless as well) was my preferred route of administration. After this I started working on various projects with no clue of the events about to transpire.
Sara Rohr, that lady that made an appearance in the story previously. Shows up at my house randomly to look through some clothes and hang out. My FBM is playing apa pool at the time and thus not home. She comes in does some droogz and is hanging out in the other room looking through clothes or something. I am honestly not paying attention to what she is doing I could truthfully care less. It’s pretty chill we in different rooms then like some kind of wild buffalo FBM burst in threw the door shouting accusations. I’m trying to get her to calm down and Sara goes outside while shes yelling. I wander outside trying to apologize to Sara for the insanity that she just witnessed inside.
Once outside I was talking to Sara and FBM wandered out then charged at Sara. I stepped in the middle like what are you doing. She jumped on me and started pounding me in the face, until be both hit the ground (Full disclosure, I didn’t yet believe in equality like I do now.) Sara ran off, I got back up. FBM had alread ran back inside to purposefully wake my kids up to use against me. As I arrived inside she came out with them screaming she was going to call the cops. I’m not sure how familiar the reader is with how these kinds of cases go, at least in Nebraska I can’t speak for other states. I opted to grab the vials from the fridge and bail. I went over to the garage and luckily Casey and the Dr. Rev were there. I explained the scene I had just departed and asked if they would kindly give me a ride for some smokes. This was actually the beginning to a lot more interaction between the scout and I. Casey and I were dealing with very similar scenarios at the time. Like real weird. I hung out there and then called into work the next morning.
Eventually she calmed down (read sobered up) and I went back. I would take me a number of years to believe fully in equality but luckily enough, now I do. I went back over to the Native Scouts house, retrieved my “wares” then went home for the rest of the day.
Around this time the feds executed one of their hilariously named operations against the online research chemical community. This particular one was dubbed “Log Jam” (lol, I wish I made this up. This particular operation was however no where near as bad as a previous one they did on “bicycle day.” Those not in the know, bicycle day is the day that Hoffman took his famous ride after accidentally imbibing a bunch of LSD.) These operation put quite a damper on the online community and a large majority of sales and overall communication headed to IRC or internet relay chat.
I belonged to a number of private channels and even modded #Belligerence on SynIRC, #Crackhouse was a pretty fun place as well. Around two week before Christmas, I was fired do to “tardies.” Not long after that I was boiling some rubbing alcohol from weed pipes. Well, not boiling but heating. When an associate of mine came over and purchased some droogs. I took the cash an went to get smokes as I was broke AF at the time. I took the cash and went to get smokes I was broke AF (This is a scientific term.) I immediately went to get some smokes. Upon my return my FBM was outside freaking out. I entered the domicile and discovered that the cabinet above the stove was on fire. Apparently during the course of my absence the rubbing alcohol on the stove had evaporated and then caught fire and exploded in some sort of fireball, not being present I sadly cannot put forth the exact details of what happened. FBM continued to panic as I did my best to asses the situation. She had left and called the fire department while I was working on assessing the situation and the best course of action to take in regard to the scenario. I had gotten the majority of the fire out by the time the dept had showed up and soaked everything in water. It was a huge mess. The local Red Cross put us up in a hotel.
Whoops, yep we are going to go back in time a bit to when I was still employed at the previously mentioned ISP. I used the time try and recover a video I had previously acquired at the previously mentioned job.
Whoops, yep we are going to back in time to go back in time a bit to when I was still employed at the ISP. I was sitting at my desk when the local lawyer up there brings me a disk and asks me if I could take the footage from the disk and make it playable in any dvd player. I was on the phone at the time shook my head in the affirmative. It wasn’t until I got off the phone I noticed the disc was labeled with the name of a piece of garbage that wore a wire on me and got me my first felony selling weed. This garbage confidential informant then got a position in the local sheriffs office and in the, at least in my opinion most intense twist of Irony became the DARE (What a useless program it is boggles my mind we are still putting cash into this trash “feel good” action)
school officer.
Apparently, she had gotten picked up for DUI. It was a twist of fate that said recordings would end up in my hands. The lawyer who had tasked me with this hadn’t made me sign any sort of non-disclosure clause or anything of the sort. I was in the clear completely from a legal standpoint. Looking back though from any stand point the video was of such a nature I would have shared it regardless. I took the disk and copied it. I showed the footage to a number of other individuals who’s lives were also coincidentally ruined. The disk contained footage of her both getting pulled over in addition to when she was at the police station after arrest. After arrest, while they are in the station one can clearly see the sheriff, the arrested deputy, and the deputy that was previously seen riding with the deputy that was picked up. The arresting city officer is clearly agitated by the preferential treatment of Amber Hiatt. The sheriff and the deputy appear to be trying to debate with the city official in regards to getting the charges dropped. Credit to the particular officer he was having none of it.
Thankfully that piece of shit Amber is dead now. Struck down in her prime, under the age of thirty. Admittedly, I found some slight pleasure in her death (This was also before I realized the individuals suffer much more in this life than any other.)
Back on track as they say. While staying in the motel I found a nice place that would could rent that was in close vicinity to the grade school that my children went to. I had just cashed in my 401K (The penalties I paid to do this were nuts. Bezo’s out here not paying any taxes on however many billion and here I am giving a third of the money I earned up. Ludicrous. ) With the money from that I was able to pay the deposit and secure a home for my family. The place was super nice and the landlords were hella cool.
We moved all our stuff from the old smoke damaged house into the new one. I setup most of my equipment ect in the basement. I had been mining bitcoins for awhile at the time. There valuation was around 3 bucks. However, like with some things I knew what the future entailed there. I was doing MDPV sales in bitcoin as the legality as uh well you know illegal. The current legal status in the US made taking payments a bit trickier. Luckily for me I was semi resourceful. Bitcoins were nice, moneypak at the time had an incredibly convenient system for drug sales as well. Customers could walk into any local Walmart, get a card load it with cash send me a number and I could load it to the same card I had linked to my Western Union account. Some might call it poetry in motion. Well, I would but I’m romantic and such like that.
You might be inquiring. If this was illegal in the US how were you aquiring it. Well, grasshopper, the thing about countries is that they have different sets of rules this isn’t star trek universe where the loving arms of socialism have everyone living an amazing life. China was well aware of the draconian US state and would eventually fall to their pressure. However, in the mean time they were quite clever in their stealth.
I had enough from the 401K cash in to pay rent for a monthly while I started the arduous process of getting unemployment from the state of Nebraska. I initially did this online. I signed up for everything and believed, based on the information that the website gave me that everything was copacetic. I paid rent the first month and then was consistently waiting on unemployment. Full disclosure, I was like kind of fucked up at this point in time. Perhaps, we could say, oft. I believe the issue was on their side and honestly, consistently trying to to call these fucks and waiting forever leads me to believe this wasn’t my error but the insanity of bureaucracy.
One nice thing about this place is that it was close to KC’s domicile. He and I would hang out quite often. Truth be told KC was an amazing musician. He could play a number of instruments and compose. At this point in time he belonged to a band that was called the “Beta Ketones.” I like to think that the naming scheme was based of knowledge I endowed to him. Sadly, though I never thought to ask and now the options been taken away from me. I would often go down there and in turn we would go the Revs house. Play chess and speak of the ills of society and our respect mia culpas.
During my tenure at this location. The rev started dating this chick named Val. While I had previously moved into my new house she had moved in with him. Depending on whom you ask in this instance the baby was either a product of rape or a intense level of inebriation. I make no claims of which side is right, the motivations of individuals are oft known to me. 

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