Friday, November 2, 2018

How Does Psychic-ism Really Work & Cryptocurrencies ? An Insight From UK Psychic Medium Clare

Many questions are constantly being asked and we feel (or Clare felt!), it was time to smother you with an in-depth answer, how Clare's psychic ability and gift really works.

I have extensively written about intuition and all of the other influences, which we need to consider. Ultimately, there is a very fine line between intuition and psychic insights. In fact, they are almost similar. Call it what you want...

There is still a misconception of how far psychic ability can be taken, especially in regards to financial and cryptocurrency predictions. It is not always as black and white as it seems, as I keep explaining in our blogs. 

The Universe works in mysterious ways! 

Before I type out Clare's messages though, I wanted to give you a little timeline story of Clare's previous predictions for friends and family.

A couple of years ago a male friend of mine and I had been talking a lot about intuition. I was the intuition-freak, he was the Data Analyst. Two opposites if you like. 

We talked lots about intuition and eventually, he was intrigued that much, to have booked a reading with Clare. He was sceptical, but his wife, even worse, was a complete and utter non-believer, so, he didn't tell his wife about the reading upfront.

Low and behold Clare saw in the reading that they had been trying for a baby for quite a long time and were at the point of despair and frustration. Clare literally said "Although you are almost thinking and believing now that it won't happen (they'd tried for two years!), she said, "it will happen soon, it's just taking a little longer than expected, but you are sorting out the issue, so don't despair". 

Four weeks later they announced her pregnancy! And, my friend almost fell off his chair and admitted that he will never again doubt intuition or psychic ability. His wife is also now an adamant believer and even worse, she tells the story to everyone. 

Obviously, there were many other accurate and spooky things mentioned in the reading, which only further crushed any doubt.

For my siblings (my brother and my sister) Clare had predicted that my brother and his wife would have a baby first, and have a second pretty soon after that. Once this had happened my sister would have a child. 

It didn't really make sense to be honest, because my sister had been with her husband for 9 years and my brother had only been with his wife for a couple of years and they weren't even married....But, guess what happened?

The moral of the story is: this is how timelines work. Not by numbers, but by a sequence of events...that is the timeline. And it is no different in the world of cryptocurrencies...

So here is the message from Clare:

"I would like to explain a little how I work, as Sandra has blogged: my knowledge of Cryptocurrencies is non-existent".

"I was told by my guides to not have a vested interest, as, to be honest, it is not my lifepath. If I was meant to be rich, I'm sure they would give me the lottery numbers, but, that leads me on to what I want to say next".

"Spirit tells you what they want you to know". (listen to this bit carefully)

"They know far more than we will ever see out of the bigger picture. We merely get a glimpse of that".

"I have worked with Spirit all my adult life in various forms and I have been connected all my life".

"I am fortunate to be a clairvoyant (see), Clairsentient (clear feeling-sensing) and Clairaudient (hearing)".

"When I get shown a logo, sent by Sandra, I link in and all these senses are used to get the info given, but, I am human, and they are not! Like I said, their knowledge is limitless".

"They give you info, which I as a Medium have to interpret".

"Can I get it wrong? Can I misinterpret what I am given? Yes, I can!"

"Do they get it wrong? No, they don't".

"To communicate they have to lower their vibration to meet mine whilst I, have to raise mine. The communication is more complex than you would imagine".

"If I said to you right now, close your eyes and imagine your Mom or your cat or your front door, etc., picture it in your head, the colour of the door, the letterbox, any patterns...

It's a fleeting image in your mind and that's how I see".

"Try to imagine your best friend's voice in your head, their tone, their laugh, their sayings, - that's how I hear".

"When you walk into a room and you sense an atmosphere or you walk in somewhere and your senses scream at you, I don't like it there. That's a lesser version of how I feel".

"All these things are like a jigsaw that I have to put together, so, like I said, any error is my own and not Spirit's".

"The reason why I am writing this is because truly, you cannot fire question upon question to Spirit and expect an answer like you would when having a conversation with your friend".

"They tell you what you need to know. I cannot emphasise this enough".

"In all my years of experience I have never been given figures and if you are following this blog in the hope of me saying: Ooh, Bitcoin is going to drop 0.02% on December 5th, and rise on April 3rd to 180,000, then this blog isn't for you".

"What I can tell you is what I sense, what I see, and what I hear".

"I am not discrediting anyone, everyone works different, but, why would Spirit need to give you figures? Why? Listen carefully - Material gain is a human trait and Spirit does not need material gain in the Spirit world!" (this actually make me shiver as I'm typing this)

"Yes, we all need money to live and money makes the world go round, but, money isn't the spiritual goal".

"If you are meant to have money, you will and if you're won't".

"It's a learning lesson of life".

"Take these readings as a guide, not life-changing decisions".

"For me personally, I feel that cryptocurrency is a spiritual change. It's putting power back to the people. Will it be revolutionary? YES!"

"As I have stated above, I have no knowledge of crypto and I don't want knowledge of crypto. Being completely and utterly 100% honest: it doesn't interest me!"

 "I think that is a good thing. I feel it's a FANTASTIC thing and it will change everything".

"Why do I do these readings? Because I love working for Spirit. I love having no knowledge of something and linking in and getting information that I couldn't possibly have known. I love the feeling of being connected to Spirit and most of all I love helping people and be able to communicate with their loved ones. To be able to give guidance, to be able to give hope and I love to help heal people's broken hearts or advise them on what Spirit wants them to do next".

"That's why I do it. Because, they are here to help us, we just need to free our minds from the expectation that is like communicating with the living. It's different on a whole different level. And by expecting it to be like that or like that, it limits them and us". Expectations are limiting!!!!!!

"Talk to Spirit! They are listening if you need help with finances, if you need help dealing with a problem. ASK! They are there and if it is in their power to help, they will".

So, there you go my lovely people. I hope you are getting the sense that Clare is a very down to earth human being and not the airy-fairy type and this is exactly the reason why we both clicked instantly when we first met!

I hope this gives you a better understanding...

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Lots of blessings and luck

Clare & Sandra

(Art by Eugenia Loli)

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