Friday, February 5, 2021

Freehold - Get rewarded for growing community

Bitcoin price has been on a rise, it gained 2X in the last 100 days. Do you feel left behind? Do you think the bus has passed already? No my friend the ride has just started. Recently I came across this unique organization called Freehold. It’s not merely an organization, it’s a community. Freehold is a social unit members of which share a common goal of evangelizing and spreading cryptocurrency adoption. It’s a Community of Hodlers Building for Hodlers.

Freehold is largely a global media company, Freehold provides a labour market which can be used by any crypto project for spreading the word around, related to project integration, spreading educational content and building new tech. Its parent company is Hiro builds developer tools for Stacks, the network that enables apps and smart contracts on Bitcoin.

For projects looking to partner with Freehold, one successful use case is launch of Stacks 2.0 PoX protocol. Freehold has had enormous impact in the launch of Stacks 2.0 (, through the different community activities they augmented the number of registration for the launch event. The extravagant mainnet launch event happened on 14 Jan and was attended by thousands around the globe.

Leadership team decides tasks and shares it with the community citizens. The task can include writing articles, creating marketing stuff, holding conferences, and rewards citizens for evangelizing.

Q: Who can participate?

A: Anyone who is eager to learn

Q: How are the rewards distributed?

A: They are transferred to your Bitcoin wallet

Q: How many tasks are there in a week?

A: It all depends on you, if you are an eager participant you can contribute more and earn more

Q: Should you apply?

A: Definitely go for it!

Register today:

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